Thursday, July 22, 2010

iPhone brouhaha (cont'd)


Thursday, July 22

(Follow up to iPhone brouhaha?)

There are more test results on the iPhone antenna performance published by Spencer Webb on his blog.  While the test results showed that the iPhone 4 design causes the reception quality to be significantly impacted by the grip style that was used, since it's better than the iPhone 3G for all grip styles, and since there really wasn't that much complaint about the iPhone 3G's antenna design, I'd say this is not technically a huge issue.

"AntennaGate", as it were, is largely a PR blunder.  Had Apple just admitted that the grip style affected the reception, but even with that, the reception improved compared to the iPhone 3G, there would have been none of the talk about recall and the other silliness.

For people who are interested, here is a link to a podcast on the tests that Spencer Webb did.

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